Quando vuoi fare un regalo e non hai un'idea precisa di cosa regalare, bisognerebbe donare un libro. Non c'è bisogno di una ricorrenza specifica: è sempre bello donare un libro. Veicola sempre un messaggio, un'idea, un sogno. Peccato che ogni volta che regalo un libro, il più delle volte la gente si incazzi...

If you want to make a gift and you have no idea about what to buy, well donating a book it's always a good choice. It's no necessary to wait for a specific occasion: it's always something good. A book materializes messages, ideas, dreams. Yet anytime I give a book as a gift in the majority of cases, people tend to get angry...

venerdì 19 dicembre 2008

Cicero: "Tuscunalae"

This is a philosophical book discussing, in a very modern way, the sense of death, ethics, true happyness, the man's duties.

I have read this book many times and I often read it again in particular some chapters.

This is a book of philosophy but it doesnt' mean that it's a difficult and boring text; on the contrary, I think that this is an useful book and its reading is pleasant itransmitting n several occasions a feeling of hope and consolation above all when falling in a moment of personal depression...

I suggest to read and read again this book.

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