Quando vuoi fare un regalo e non hai un'idea precisa di cosa regalare, bisognerebbe donare un libro. Non c'è bisogno di una ricorrenza specifica: è sempre bello donare un libro. Veicola sempre un messaggio, un'idea, un sogno. Peccato che ogni volta che regalo un libro, il più delle volte la gente si incazzi...

If you want to make a gift and you have no idea about what to buy, well donating a book it's always a good choice. It's no necessary to wait for a specific occasion: it's always something good. A book materializes messages, ideas, dreams. Yet anytime I give a book as a gift in the majority of cases, people tend to get angry...

mercoledì 11 marzo 2009

E. Hobsbawm: "Age of Extremes"

This book is presently considered as one of the classics of the contemporary historyography thanks also to the good choice of the title. With this definition the author surely provides a clear snapshot of the XX century.

I've got to say however that I actually prefer other Hobsbawm's books, maybe more directed to specialistic readers, than this one: sometimes it seemed to me rather confused, sometimes boring, sometimes it seemed to me that the attempt to create a popular book failed because too many things are given for granted even when they are not...

In brief, for the first time, I'm pointing out a book I didn't appreciated so much.

I suggest the reading of this book however, with the above mentioned limitations, to history enthusiasts, like me, above all for vanity and snob reasons: just to say to have read it and criticize it as I'm doing right now...

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